Day by Day

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What Sick !$@!

Did you see this in the news?

Probably not.

Some sick... there aren't even words to describe this person... poured sulfuric acid on the slide of a children's playground.

And when two year old Payton slid down the slide... through the acid... he of course began to cry uncontrollably. He suffered second- and third-degree burns to his body.

Shockingly, the police spokesman sounds like he's making excuses for the cretins who did this:
"We don't know that the suspects even knew what they were dealing with, whether they knew it was this caustic. They may have been burned themselves," said Cpl. Mike Hill.

Apparently, the stars of society wanted to kick in the door of the school's storage area. To their amazement, there was a gold mine of industrial strength chemicals there. Having been raised to respect property not their own, they decided to pour some of the liquid onto the slide to see if the plastic would burn. When there was no reaction, they left it there. And later, Payton slid through it.


Gun Control

From the AP:
Mayor Shot Dead

Apparently, in a mob hit, someone walked right up to the Mayor and shot him at point-blank range.

In Japan.

Where handguns are strictly banned.

(Caveat - yes, the murder rate with handguns is less there, but I attribute that to the culture difference.)

So, if we can just ban and confiscate all the handguns... there will be no more murders.


I post this as I saw on another blog someone commented that the idea of Gun Control is to ban all the guns, and then there will be no more deaths, like in Japan. Well, ironically, today... a Japanese Mayor was shot by a handgun.

Because CRIMINALS don't follow the laws ANYWAY!!!!

With Support Like This

It's now after 15 April. And the money is getting tight, as the military is awaiting the supplemental appropriations bill to pass through the government.

The Army is Delaying Maintenance in order to ensure that the operating forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (and elsewhere) receive the money they need to meet mission.

Last thing we need to do is ensure all of the equipment is repaired and in working order.

Think the Democrats in Congress would mind supporting us just a little less? Because at this rate, their Supporting the Troops (But Not the Mission) will get people killed.

I Mourn

Drug-Free Zones... aren't.

Smoke-Free Zones... aren't.

No-Wake Zones... nope.

Gun-Free Zones... sigh. Sadly, no.

In all cases, people violate the law. Laws have always been violated, thus the need for police.

The Massacre at Virginia Tech is a tragedy. It is a tragedy for the lives lost. I mourn for them. Young folks cut down in their prime. Dreams unfulfilled. The repercussions rippling throughout familes, friends, fellow students... the nation.

It is another tragedy. We have rendered ourselves meek. There are a few notable stories where people resisted.

I wonder what the story would have been like if one other person had had a gun. You know the headlines: "Hero Stops Mad Gunman." Part of our society cries out for gun control, yet when the example of an armed populace is demonstrated by a criminal being stopped... we all applaud.

Mr. Cho violated the Gun-Free Zone. He will not be punished, as he is dead. Those students who abided by the Gun-Free Zone were punished, with their deaths.

We remove from ourselves not just the ability, but the will to self-defend. That's the true insidious nature of such bans on guns. It's because, as a society, we are collectively giving over our defense, in toto, to someone else. We surrender before the first shot is fired.

And the ultimate fallacy is that a criminal will violate the law anyway, so the only ones affected by the bans are those who end up dead because they were disarmed.

And because we've removed our will to self-defend, we don't even try. Look around your office, your home... how many weapons do you see? (Those of you in the police or military, it's no fair counting your side-arms.) I count quite a few, without walking into the kitchen - which is a veritable bazaar of weapons - and I can imagine that if properly motivated, I could come up with a few more.

But we have removed the will to self-defend, and so we don't try so hard. A bullet in the back of Mr. Cho's skull would have done wonders. So would a fire extinguisher, lots of big heavy textbooks, desks, whatever. Not deriding those who died or were wounded... their loss is a tragedy.

I mourn. I mourn for all the loss. The senselessness of it all.

I mourn that there wasn't one more gun

Saturday, April 14, 2007

1000 Words

Image from Sack over at the Star Tribune.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Conspiracies Abound

A while back, a friend shared a book with me. It was Silent America by Bill Whittle. You may, or more likely may not, recognize him from his blogging at Eject!Eject!Eject!.

His latest post (H/T - Michelle Malkin) is incredibly well written (as is often true) and puts into words what has often frustrated me about conspiracy theorists. That to believe the conspiracy, you have to believe the absolute worst about everything and everyone... the worst about the country, the worst about those who serve it, and the worst about your fellow neighbors.

And what it takes to reach that point in your mind... is hard to understand.

Please, take a look at what Bill has to say. And if you'd like to read more of his, click the link to Amazon at the beginning of the post.

The Week In News

With nary a peep from some of the usual channels, I'd like to recommend that you take a look at this blog here. I was laughing uncontrollably. I've also added the embed below so you can view it here...

(H/T to Michelle Malkin.)

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Today, in church, the pastor took a moment to include in his litany of areas of the world crying out for our help... Darfur.

It's a tragedy. It absolutely is. Over 400,000 are suspected of having died already.

The reason for this is, essentially, a conflict between the Janjaweed and various rebel groups. Most of those killed are caught in the cross-fire.

And there are quite a few calling for our involvement. They want us to fly in with our military strength and put a stop to the violence.

To end the civil war.

To place our troops in between two sides shooting each other.

In an area of the world with no national security significance to the United States.

But... wait. Aren't these the same concerns that are raised on why we should withdraw from Iraq? It's a civil war. Our troops are caught in a crossfire. Iraq has nothing to do with the United States.

(Freebie for radical leftists... Darfur doesn't even have oil.)

So, in all seriousness... why Darfur? It doesn't meet the requirements that the anti-war folks are stating for getting us out of Iraq.

What's the Brainstorming Session Like?

This is beyond the pale, but not completely surprising given some organizations' tendencies to protest through inappropirate means.

Many are familiar with the White House Easter Egg Roll. It's history goes back to the 1870's.

This is usually a joyous, happy time... children are invited onto the normally restrictive White House grounds and they have a great time.

Luckily, we have people in the country who can help us see those festivities through a more balanced view.

Take a look here.


Nice touch.

I don't mind the message they're trying to get across - unexploded ordnance IS a problem. But, isn't there a better way?

I would love to sit in on the brainstorming sessions that eventually evolve into events like these. How do you get to the point where you take a festive children's activity and thrust the brutality of war into it? There's such a thing as time and place - the message can still be spread without ruining a wonderful childhood activity.


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fred Thompson

Former Sen. Fred Thompson, and quite possibly a future presidential candidate, has posted a column over at

Take a peek. It's a good read.

President Ahmadinejad the Proctologist

We were probed. As surely as a visit to a proctologist, the West was just probed by Iran.

What do I mean?

Iran, under President Ahmadinejad, is trying to achieve an ascendancy. As is classic and time-worn, when trouble brews domestically, focus the populace elsewhere.

President Ahmadinejad would like to achieve his goals of making Iran a super-state in the Middle East. Subduing, and quite possibly annexing, Iraq next door (not the same as our version of quelling the insurgency - his version of subduing means that the West is out of there). Giving Israel ample reason to wonder if there will be a tomorrow for the Jews. Restoring pride and power to Persia.

The West stands in his way. Much like Germany saw the the need to conquer Europe to consolidate control and to facilitate goals of a super-race, and Japan needed the United States pacified to free its access to natural resources for its empire, Iran (Persia) needs the West to back away.

Iran (Persia) could easily close off trade through the Straits of Hormuz. But, they know (or now, may only suspect) that quick military reaction would result. Thirty years of Western embargoes have affected their navy and air force, but luckily, they can still shop at Russia's flea markets, so they are not toothless.

What's important before waging war is having some idea of how your enemy may react. Will they fight back Will they stand by? Will they capitulate? How much fire is in their belly?

So, you probe. You test your enemy. See how they respond to low provocation.

And that's what Iran is doing. Between putting forces in Iraq - where they can formulate dissension AND closely observe Western forces - and the snatch and grab of British sailors and Marines... Iran is studying us.

And they're not disappointed. We have emboldened them with the latest reaction by the Brits. The culture in that part of the world respects strength. And allowing your uniformed personnel to be taken with, at most, stern talk, and quite likely prisoner trades and other rewards for your behavior, doesn't strike fear in the hearts for future operations.

"They" are coming.

Iran has not suddenly rolled over and realized thirty years of chanting "Death to the Great Satan" was a bad idea... they're just becoming more motivated and mobilized.

They are rejoicing in the weakness that is enveloping the West, as the United States' forces are stretched amazingly thin and hampered by strict rules of engagement and lackluster support at home, and its allies are few and far between. They have made sufficient economic inroads with a majority of the big players (Russia, China, Germany, France) to make them think twice about risking their money for a war or sanctions.

So, let's be prepared, and realize what's coming. President Ahmadinejad did not get a wild hare in his head just before Easter for nothing; you do NOT rise to his level in a country (any country, ours included) by being a complete idiot (sorry, liberals).

We were probed. We will be probed again. How will we react next time?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Questions for Her Majesty's Sailors

I've been quiet. Not wanting to say too much while the crisis was going on. But, they have now been released and are back in England.

I first raised some concerns in a chat with a friend last week. She seemed rather shocked by some of my questions and statements, but I tried to show her where I was coming from.

I was surprised about how this all started. Really, a foreign navy takes fifteen sailors and Marines prisoner (* - let's get the lingo right, too... they weren't hostages; what Iran did was an act of war, and thus, the fifteen were Prisoners...) and not a single defensive shot is fired?

Not one?

Iran shows up, says, "You are my prisoner", and the Brits shrug and say, "Ok"?

No one got on the radio and said, "Hey, Captain... there are some Iranians here trying to capture us..."? There's a big FRIGATE over there... surely force could have been brought to bear to protect those sailors.

I can't imagine the betrayal to find out that no one's got your back when another country comes up, points weapons at you, and takes you away.

Something else that bugged me about this... how quickly the Sailors "confessed". This was a big debate between my friend and I.

In the United States, we have the Code of Conduct. Memorized it in Basic training. It's posted everywhere, and we even carry it around with us.

Article I
I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

Article II
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

Article III
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

Article IV
Should I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information nor take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

Article V
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

Article VI
I will never forget that I am an American fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

Article 1 is very simply put, and eloquent. It reminds us of what our mission in the military is, and the stakes.

Article 2. This is what I'm talking about above. There were means to resist. The Sailors were armed. Plus, there was that FRIGATE nearby.

Article 3. The reason for this is clear. You don't cease being in the military when captured. You're expected to still resist. And one of the means to resist is to not accept any favors. Accepting such favors is one way that captors can make inroads and begin to "break" you and divide the group.

Article 4. Basically, I won't cooperate. Remember, as a prisoner, you do not have the whole picture. You're separated, and unable to remain a cohesive unit. You must "keep the faith". Each prisoner must do their part and take comfort that all other prisoners should be doing the same thing.

Article 5. Very simple. Keep your mouth shut. (But, SCEagle... what if they are tortured? Or holding a gun to their comrade? See Article 1 and Articles 3 and 4.) You do not have the big picture. And your statements, or "confessions", can easily circumscribe whatever efforts your nation is trying to accomplish.

Article 6. Don't lose faith. Don't lose faith in your God, and in your nation to get you back.

Sure, it's easy to sit here in the comfort of my home and pontificate. *I* wasn't captured. Didn't go through what we didn't see on Iranian TV.


Being in the military, one has to accept certain terms. Part of it is covered in Article 1. I am prepared to give my life. It doesn't say under what conditions... (Well, if my helicopter is shot down, sure... but, if I'm a prisoner, all bets are off... nope, that's not the way it goes.)

It's not easy... maybe they're threatening to remove fingers of your buddy? Or have one of those big knives held to your friend's neck? Maybe you're not prepared to watch your fellow comrade in arms get raped? Keep in mind, they also have Article 1. Everyone has to stay strong.

Imagine how this would have turned out if one of the sailors had been hurt? Can you imagine the President of Iran getting the word that one of the sailor's had been mutilated or killed? How do you say, "Oh $!@*" in Farsi? He would have realized that a line had been crossed (in addition to the MANY other lines already crossed, but this one would be big and bold) and Iran may soon have wrath raining down on it. No way to cover that up.

The first "confession" came very quickly. And supposedly, all fifteen confessed. Shame on them.

I hope that all of Her Majesty's armed forces are not as weak, though I fear they are. There have been so many cutbacks, and reductions... they're a shadow of what they once were. Note, it was United States Navy carriers that were doing exercises off the coast of Iran, not the Royal Navy.

Still surprised the HMS Cornwall didn't intervene and allowed her Sailors and Marines to be captured. Without a shot.

There are a lot of questions that need to be asked now that the prisoners are home. Judging by how quickly they gave in to the Iranians, we should have our answers by Monday.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Free Bi-Annual Vacation to Middle East

It seems there's a memorandum put out by the Staff Director of the House Armed Services Committee. The "Global War on Terror" may no longer be referred to as such, according to language on page 11.

Now, I've read it. And I understand the purpose of a "style guide". I don't truly believe there's a nefarious element here.

However, I can't resist one little jab.

So, if there were a reference to one of those nice and pretty ribbons the Army handed out by the bajillions, would it be okay to still call it the "Global War on Terrorism Service Medal" (or Expeditionary Medal, as the case may be)? Or, will it be like the BINGO song from our youth...

(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap) Service Medal...
(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap) Service Medal...
(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap) Service Medal...
and Medal was it's Name-o...

Sunday, April 01, 2007